I made it (I suffered for Jesus), and it was well worth it. Listening to the testimony of Wally and Wanda, and three high school students who were baptized was such a blessing. There is nothing more vitalizing than to hear how God has been working in and through people’s lives. One of the girls read Romans 3:10,11 and explained how God used it to help her understand that she doesn’t have to measure up on her own, that Jesus paid the price so that she doesn’t. The other girl told how her community of students helped her get back on track, and all said their families were there to support them.
I have taken a very long nap this afternoon, still feeing weak and nauseous, but more than that I feel very blessed. It was worth going to church while feeling sick. It was a reminder of God’s faithfulness through the generations. I may, however, skip out of my meeting tonight. I’m just saying…