You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2.
There are a lot of faithful men and women in our congregation, and they have committed themselves to a variety of ministries. Some of them intentially toward discipleship and others in support of the same. Yet, there are others who, for one reason or another, count the cost too high a price to commit to anything but the smallest time constraints. But it’s not about me.
The last statement is the hardest, because it causes me to take a hard look at my own motives. I mean, I was hired to lead the congregation to a deeper walk with Jesus. Therefore, I need to have bustling programs, full of people, chomping at he bit to be in one of my groups. After all my third year is right around the corner. But it’s not about me.
Life gets in the way of discipleship. There just aren’t enough hours in the day for everyone to be doing everything. Each of us has to decide before God what is the most important. Still, Paul tells Timothy to find faithful men. I have found a few, but I still want a few more. I want to see men rise up and be bold about their faith. But it’s not about me, and in the end I will take who God provides, not for me, but for the glory of the Father. Because we do what we do for Him. I’m just saying….