I wonder sometimes if I am sincere in my faith. You know, when you sit in church on Sunday and you sing the songs and listen to the preacher? It runs through my head sometimes that maybe I am not engaged with my heart as much as I am with my head. But the I remember that I do love the Lord! I am thankful for what he has done. I am since in my gratitude for his blessings.
Sincerity can’t be contrived, you can see it on peoples’ faces. Not the fake smiles of “I wish I were somewhere else”, but the genuine, caring smile that is full of hope. Sincerity is best seen when it’s not forced or coerced. Sincerity is simple, quiet devotion that takes each moment as it is and gives thanks to God, no matter what.
Faithfulness, on the other hand, is the feet and hands of sincerity. Faithfulness gets up every morning when you don’t want to, and lives it for the glory of God. Faithfulness is about doing what is necessary even when no one else will lend a hand. Faithfulness is not about the object of ones service but the motivation of the one who you serve. Faithfulness touches the doorknob of uncertainty and trusts God in the unknown, because He has made himself known and has been found trustworthy.
Unlike Joshua, we don’t have to fear God. “Perfect love casts out fear.” Yet, we need to be watchful that we are not playing a game of religion, and in the end incur the wrath of God. But we have the Holy Spirit living in us to strengthen and guide. If God is for us who can stand against us.
My prayer for you is this: Lord, allow us the courage to be open and honest with one another. Give us the words of grace and lovinly respond in season and out. Strengthen us with your Spirit that we will be walk faithfully and with all sincerity. To this I pray. Amen.
im just saying…
Dr. Paul Perkins